
Installing with a Package Manager

It can be installed as an npm package.

This package can only be used in a web environment and cannot be used in Android or iOS hybrid apps (Webview).

npm install @wepin/sdk-js

Once the installation is complete, you can check that it has been added under "dependencies" in your package.json file as shown below:

  "dependencies": {
    "@wepin/sdk-js": "^0.0.1"

Once the installation is complete, initialize the wepinSDK instance using the App ID and App Key assigned after registering the app. This will enable the use of WepinSDK.

// 1. Import the package
import { WepinSDK } from '@wepin/sdk-js'

// 2. Initialization
const wepinSdk = new WepinSDK({
    appId: 'your-wepin-app-id',
    appKey: 'your-wepin-api-key',

This package is designed to work only in Client Side Rendering (CSR) environments. If you are using this package in a Server Side Rendering (SSR) environment, you need to configure it so that the package is loaded only on the client side.

Refer to the following code for implementation:

const initWepin = async () => {
    const { WepinSDK } = await import('@wepin/sdk-js');
    const wepinSDK = new WepinSDK({
        appKey: '',
        appId: '',
    await wepinSDK.init({
        defaultLanguage: 'ko',

Last updated

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