
The method for initializing the Wepin iOS PIN Pad Library is as follows.

Before creating an instance of WepinPin, please pass the App ID and App Key to the WepinPinParams object as shown below.

let initPinParam = WepinPinParams(appId: appId, appKey: appKey)

Please create a WepinPin instance by passing the previously created WepinPinParams.

var wepinPin = WepinPin(initPinParam);

After creating the WepinPin instance, call the initialize method to complete the initialization.

await wepinPin?.initialize(attributes: attributes)


attributes <WepinPinAttributes>

  • language <String> The default language setting for the PIN pad screen is 'en'. Currently supported languages are 'ko', 'en', and 'ja'.

Return value

<Boolean> Returns true if successful, and false if it fails.


let appKey: String = "Wepin-App-Key"
let appId: String = "Wepin-App-ID"
var wepinPin: WepinPin? = nil
let initPinParam = WepinPinParams(appId: appId, appKey: appKey)
wepinPin = WepinPin(initPinParam)
// Call initialize function
let attributes = WepinPinAttributes(language: "en")
if let res = try await wepinPin?.initialize(attributes: attributes) {
    self.tvResult.text = "Successed: \(res)"
} else {
    self.tvResult.text = "Failed: No result returned from initialization"


You can use the isInitialized method to check if the WepinPin instance has been successfully initialized.

  • <Bool> Returns true if initialization was successful and false if it failed.

let result = wepinPin!.isInitialized()


wepinPin!.changeLanguage(language: "ko")

Changes the language displayed on the PIN pad screen. Currently, only 'ko', 'en', and 'ja' are supported.


  • language <String>

Return value

  • <Void>


wepinPin!.changeLanguage(language: "ko")

Last updated

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