

  • Android: API version 21 or higher

    • You need to set the compileSdkVersion to 34 in the android/app/build.gradle file.

  • iOS: Version 13.0 or higher

    • Update the platform: iOS version to 13.0 in your Flutter project’s ios/Podfile, and verify and modify the ios/Podfile as needed.

This package is only available for Android and iOS environments. It is not supported on Web, macOS, Windows, or Linux environments.


The Wepin Flutter PIN Pad Libary is published on, and you can install it by adding the following command or by adding a dependency in your app's pubspec.yaml.

  • Add using Flutter pub add command:

$ flutter pub add wepin_flutter_pin_pad
  • Add to dependencies in pubspec.yaml:

    wepin_flutter_pin_pad: ^0.0.1

Once the installation is complete, initialize the WepinPinPad instance using the app ID and app key assigned after registering the app. This will enable the use of WepinPinPad.

// 1. Package import
import 'package:wepin_flutter_pin_pad/wepin_flutter_pin_pad.dart';
import 'package:wepin_flutter_pin_pad/wepin_flutter_pin_pad_types.dart';

// 2. Instance Initialization 
WepinPinPad wepinPinPad = WepinPinPad(wepinAppKey: wepinAppKey, wepinAppId: wepinAppId);

Last updated

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