Solana Wallet Adapter

@wepin/solana-wallet-adapter is designed to interact with the Solana blockchain, providing an easy-to-use Wallet Adapter based on @solana/wallet-adapter-base.


npm install @wepin/solana-wallet-adapter

Once the installation is complete, initialize the WepinSolanaWalletAdapter instance using the app ID and app key assigned after registering the app. This will enable the use of WepinSolanaWalletAdapter.

// 1. Package import
import { WepinSolanaWalletAdapter } from "@wepin/solana-wallet-adapter";

// 2. Initialize
const wepinSolanaWalletAdapter = new WepinSolanaWalletAdapter({
    appId: 'your-wepin-app-id',
    appKey: 'your-wepin-app-key',
    network: 'solana',
    attributes: {
        defaultCurrency: 'KRW', 
        defaultLanguage: 'ko'

If you're using @solana/wallet-adapter-react, initialize the adapter as shown below:

const wallets = useMemo(
    () => [
      new WepinSolanaWalletAdapter({
        appId: 'your-wepin-app-id',
        appKey: 'your-wepin-app-key',
        network: 'solana',
        attributes: {
            defaultCurrency: 'KRW', 
            defaultLanguage: 'ko'


WepinWalletAdapterConfig <Object>

  • appId <string> The App ID assigned after application registration.

  • appKey <string> The App Key assigned after application registration.

  • network <string> (optional) The network variable for the supported wallet adapter. For Solana Mainnet, use "solana". Must be entered in lowercase. Default is "solana".

  • attributes <object> (optional)

    • defaultLanguage: Sets the widget's default language. Supported languages are en, ko, and ja. Default is en.

    • defaultCurrency: Sets the widget's default currency. Supported currencies are USD, KRW, and JPY. Default is USD.


The following methods are available in the WepinSolanaWalletAdapter.


Connects to the Wepin Wallet and retrieves the user's Public Key.


  • <void>

Return Value


  • On successful connection, the adapter's connected property will be set to true, and the publicKey property will hold the user's Public Key.


await walletSolanaWalletAdapter.connect()
const isConnected = walletSolanaWalletAdapter.connected    // Check connection status
const publicKey = walletSolanaWalletAdapter.publicKey        // Get connected account's Public Key


Signs a given message using the user's private key.


  • message <Uint8Array> The message to sign.

Return Value

  • Promise<Uint8Array> The signed message as a Uint8Array.


const message = new TextEncoder().encode('Hello, Solana!');
const signedMessage = await wepinSolanaWalletAdapter.signMessage(message);
console.log(`Signed message as Uint8Array:`, signedMessage);


Signs a Solana transaction object.


  • <Transaction | VersionedTransaction> The Solana transaction object to sign.

Return Value

  • Promise<Transaction | VersionedTransaction> The signed transaction object.


import { Transaction, SystemProgram, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';

const publicKey = wepinSolanaWalletAdapter.publicKey
// Create a transaction
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
    fromPubkey: publicKey,
    toPubkey: new PublicKey('recipient-public-key'),
    lamports: 1000000,

// Set recent blockhash and feePayer
transaction.recentBlockhash = 'recent-blockhash';
transaction.feePayer = publicKey;

// Sign the transaction
const signedTransaction = await wepinSolanaWalletAdapter.signTransaction(transaction);

console.log('Signed Transaction:', signedTransaction);


The sendTransaction method accepts a Solana transaction object, signs it, and sends it to the network.


  • transaction <Transaction | VersionedTransaction> - The Solana transaction object to sign and send.

  • connection Connection -The connection object that interacts with the Solana network.

  • options SendTransactinOptions - Additional options required when sending the transaction. optional

    • signers - An array of accounts that require additional signatures. optional

Return Value

  • Promise<TransactionSignature> - Returns the unique signature of the successfully sent transaction.


import { Connection, Transaction, SystemProgram, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';

const connection = new Connection(umi.rpc.getEndpoint(), 'finalized')
const publicKey = wepinSolanaWalletAdapter.publicKey

const transaction = new Transaction().add(
    fromPubkey: publicKey,
    toPubkey: new PublicKey('recipient-public-key'),
    lamports: 1000000,

//set blockhash and fee payer
transaction.recentBlockhash = 'recent-blockhash';
transaction.feePayer = publicKey;

// transaction sign and send
const signature = await wepinSolanaWalletAdapter.sendTransaction(transaction, connection, {});

console.log('Signature:', signature );


The signAllTransactions method accepts multiple Solana transaction objects and signs them.

The maximum number of transactions that can be signed at once is 10. Pre-registration is required to use this feature. For registration, contact Wepin.


  • Array<Transaction | VersionedTransaction> An array of Solana transaction objects to sign.

Return Value

  • Promise<Array<Transaction | VersionedTransaction>> Returns an array of transaction objects with signatures included.


import { Transaction, SystemProgram, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';

// sign transactions
const signedTransactions = await wepinSolanaWalletAdapter.signAllTransactions(transactions);

console.log('Signed Transactions:', signedTransactions);


Disconnects from the Wepin Wallet.


  • <void>

Return Value

  • Promise<void>


await wepinWallet.disconnect();

Last updated

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