The method for initializing the Wepin Android PIN Pad Library is as follows.
Before creating an instance of WepinPin, please pass the app’s Activity Context, the app ID, and the app key assigned after app registration to the WepinPinParams object as shown below.
val wepinPinParams =WepinPinParams( context =this, appId ="your-wepin-app-id", appKey ="your-wepin-app-key" )
Please create a WepinPin instance by passing the previously created WepinPinParams.
val wepinPin =WepinPin(wepinPinParams)
After creating the WepinPin instance, call the initialize method to complete the initialization.
val res = wepinPin.initialize(attributes)
atrributes <WepinPinAttributes>
defualtLanguage <String>
The default language setting for the PIN pad screen is 'en'. Currently supported languages are 'ko', 'en', and 'ja'.
Return value
CompletableFuture <Boolean>
Returns trueif successful, and falseif it fails.