
Here is how to initialize the Wepin widget Unity SDK.

Create Wepin Instance

Add the Wepin and Types namespaces.

using WepinSDK.Wepin;
using WepinSDK.Types;

Create a Wepin instance in the start() function of the project.

Wepin _wepin = Wepin.Instance;


Use the App ID and App Key assigned after app registration to initialize the instance.

_wepin.Initialize("app_id_eg12sf3491azgs520", "ak_test_ghq1D5s1sfG234sbnhdsw24mnovk313", new Attributes()
    defaultLanguage = "ko",
    defaultCurrency = "krw"

The parameters for initialization are as follows.

  • appId: String App ID assigned during registration

  • appKey: String App Key assigned during registration

  • attributes: WepinSDK.Types.Attributes Properties of the Wepin Widget

    • defaultLanguage: String The language to be displayed on the widget. The default value is ko. The currently supported languages are en and ko.

    • defaultCurrency: String The currency to be displayed on the widget. The default value is KRW. The currently supported currencies are USD and KRW.


You can use the isInitialized method to check if the Wepin instance has been initialized successfully.

The returned value is as follows.

  • boolean init result; true if Wepin SDK is already initialized, otherwise false.

if(_wepin.isInitialized()) {
    // Success to initialize wepin

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