
Providers connect your application to blockchain networks, enabling seamless interaction. After integrating Wepin Wallet, you can use providers to call smart contract methods, check users' token balances, and execute transactions. Wepin Providers allow easy interaction with various networks supported by Wepin.

The providers supported by Wepin are as follows:

Ethereum Provider: Used for interacting with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible networks such as Ethereum, Polygon, and Klaytn. It can be used for functions like calling smart contract methods, checking EVM-based token balances, and sending transactions.

Solana Provider: Suitable for interacting with the Solana blockchain. It’s useful for implementing features like Solana-based NFT transactions, SPL token transfers, or interacting with Solana smart contracts.

Wagmi Connector: Designed for React-based applications, it provides various React Hooks for interacting with blockchain networks. It simplifies wallet connection, account management, and offers advantages in multi-chain support and network management.

Refer to the documentation below for detailed usage instructions.

Last updated